Web Inventory Tracking System (WITS)
The natural ability to perceive and understand your product flow.
2021-06-20 NOTE: To increase security in WITS, we will stop supporting some older TLS/SSL protocols. We will require TLS 1.2 which is not readily available in any Internet Explorer (IE) browser below version 11.

This is a warning that if you are using a version of IE earlier than 11, you soon will likely not be able to connect to WITS using that.

If you think that you are running IE version 11 and you're seeing this message, it may be because your browser is emulating an earlier version. To check this and change it, press the F12 key, and click on the Emulation tab. Look for the Document mode section, and set it to the highest number you can, e.g. 11. You should then see this message disappear from the login screen. You may only need to do this once per browser.

The best browsers to use with WITS are Firefox and Chrome, latest versions, and in general, IE 11 and Microsoft Edge will work well.
Privacy Policy
This site works best in the latest version of Firefox.
Chrome is a good choice as well.
Internet Explorer is not recommended, but most features should work.
version 2.963.20250211

Developed by Incode Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2006-2018 Incode Systems, Inc.


Icons are Copyright © 2006 Tango Desktop Project and used under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.

Code39 Barcode Fonts used are freely available from Matthew Welch.

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